Category: Reflections

Reflection FINALE – Week I dont know.

Hello out there, we’re on the air! 


As I look back on this class and what I have learned from it, it is hard for me to think of just one. From Mattermost chats, Trello, and Hypothesis. To learning how to use Zoom, meeting professionals and people in the bizz as well as learning to navigate through a pandemic. I have learned about Twine, and Comic Life and Canva. I have learned about iPads and Accessible learning for all. I have learned the difference between virtual, remote and online learning.  And most importantly I have learned what asynchronous and synchronous means. 

I have learned so much. So many valuable teachable moments and so many life lessons. I have learned that supporting each other is the best way to make sure something goes the way we planned it – even if it doesn’t.

I have learned that tech is not the saving grace that will save the education system.  Although tech is important and useful when it is used appropriately.  Tech is there to heighten classroom experiences and help students who need an extra hand, or time. It is not there to replace the teacher. It is supposed to make your life easier, not harder. 

I have learned that my teachers have gifted me patience and knowledge. To know that it is okay not to know everything – especially when it comes to technology.  I have learned that you can make Zoom School fun with the right attitude. I have learned that I love painting. I have learned that the people I have met this semester are going to be the people I lean on throughout the course of this program and most likely well into my teaching career. 

I have learned so much, and I will probably remember more things that I have learned after the dust settles and I can breathe. 

Thank You to Val and Luke and my classmates.

We Got Through Pandemic University Zoom School Teacher Education. 

Week 10

This week we talked about Inclusive learning. I can relate to this topic pretty well, as I was an EA before getting into this program. It is nice to see that we have an opportunity to connect with Inclusive Ed teachers to get a grasp on how best to help students with diverse abilities. 

Week 8/9



It has been awhile. It has been a busy, yet uneventful couple of weeks. In terms of Ed Tech, I did not attend last week’s class because I was having a low day and with that, a mental health day. As well, on top of that, I have been sick. Runny nose, sneezes and the sniffles. 🙁

In terms of the course and the semester,  I have been pretty on top of things. I got most of my presentations and projects over in the beginning, which was really smart of me. 

I have a very basic draft of my edtech inquiry project for assignment 3 – garageband in the classroom. However, the google doc is as far as it goes. I have started to lose steam and I am starting to feel the Christmas break yell at me saying “you are done”,  but Christmas break is not here yet. 


I will cross this finish line of my first semester of Zoom School, PDPP, and Education. 

Reflection Week 6/7

In the last two weeks, I have felt like a real life teacher who can apply the technological skills and opportunities I have learned in EDCI 336 and apply them in real world events. This week, I attended a BCSSTA conference via Zoom. Even though my teachable is Art. (there was no art conference to find). I attended 3 conferences over the course of the day (Friday). Two of them were really dry and one was really interesting. The one I found very interesting was one world population and sustainability. The presenter provided great websites and resources for materials as well as fun activities to play with students, both online and in person classes. I challenged myself to adapt these Social Studies Lessons into Art lessons –  I am still thinking about how to create an Art project based on world population. 

Overall, it was an interesting experience and it gave me a sense of what working and established professionals are doing in their fields and specific subject matters. So, thanks to my teachers for allowing myself and the class to participate. 

Reflection Week 5

Reflection Week 5

This week, I have nothing really that exciting to report. I learned about Blended Learning and the different multi-modalities that exist in educational settings. The class was discussing about different ways of  online learning, whether that be blended learning, remote learning or multi-access learning. I didn’t realize that there were so many ways of instruction. 

In other aspects of my week and of this course, I have started to brainstorm some ideas regarding my EdTech Inquiry Project with my partner. We are going to inquire about music in the classroom and what technologies will benefit our inquiry. 

Thats all for now folks 

Reflections, Reflections, 

Week 4

This week, I googled myself… I found some not so flattering  videos of me trying to sing Les Mis at 2am. Needless to say, they are no longer available at this time, and will be never again. Other than that enlightening adventure down memory lane, my online presence is pretty tame. My personal Facebook, is not my real name and my Instagram is set to private with my profile picture as a cloudy sky. I personally like to keep myself off online as much as possible because I just don’t know who is out there poking around. I like to keep to myself in the real world so it would make sense that I would be the same in the online realm.

Other then crossing my t’s and dotting my i’s,  I have found a rhythm in this course and it seems to be levelling out.  Now, as I say that, I am sure there is going to be something pop up that I have completely missed or forgot about. With about a third of the course underway and with the second week of October fast approaching, this course has opened up a lot of domains and has shown me how much of the internet is available, and where I need to go, and what path to follow for a safe trip.  I just hope I do not get lost along the way. 

Until next time, 

Stay Classy  ♥



Reflection 3

Week 3.

This week, started off pretty good. I felt that I was on top of all of my platforms and all of the assignments for Tech Ed and everything else. By the end of the week, I realized that I was completely wrong. There seems to be projects and assignments hidden in all of these drop down menus and different posts and pages. Then to top it all off, WordPress’ servers were down. However, after a many late night, and a lot of support from my teacher and classmates, the server was up and running and I was to the races.

Its getting easier, and less anxiety inducing .

To Be Continued…

Week 2 Reflection

This week, I am feeling like I am on my way to understanding more of what is asked of me in this course. Meeting up with the learning pods this week helped me utilize the help of my classmates and provided a place of camaraderie with each of us.  I have activated all, or if not, most of the communicative platforms like Trello and Mattermost.  I have also started my free inquiry project and have started posting about my progress on that. I am starting to feel less alone in my anxiety, and with the help of my cohorts, learning pods and teachers we all will make it through to the other side.


Stay Tuned.

Week 1 – Reflection

Week 1 of Ed tech.

I am feeling very overwhelmed with all of the information we have obtained. I feel like I am learning a new language. I am excited to when I have gained the knowledge of this new medium. I will be relying on my teachers and classmates to help me cross the finish line.


Cheers 🙂