Incompetent or Competent? That is the Question.
In regards to the educational & technology competent check list, I am trying to understand what I am able to check off my list. I know, to start there is a few check marks I believe are in order.
Video Editing – Check. I created an About me video for another class.
Social Media – Check. I am a millennial, and I have an understanding of the pros and cons of these types of platform. Through trial and error and growing up with the speedy advancement of technology and the embarrassment of Facebook in the early 2000s. As well, the lecture we had with Jesse Miller increased my knowledge of the privacy and security around social media. How we protect ourselves and how to become more digitally literate.
Personal Learning Networks (PLN) – Check. The members of my learning pod and myself, have been following each others processes and commenting on the progress and statuses of their free inquiry projects. As well as providing understanding when commenting on their weekly reflections.
Distributed Learning – Check. Thanks to the World Wide Pandemic, we have all been forced to go to an online learning setting. This includes the many hours I have spent on Zoom calls, which I have found out is called synchronous learning. As well as learning how to blog, and how to use Trello.
Collaboration – Check. With the use of Trello in this class, and as well as using Google docs for a cross curricular approach to lesson plans and the use of Google Classroom in our field experience classes on Wednesdays. I can also give a big check to this.
Learning Design – Check. Working on my Free Inquiry Project, I have started learning about a new skill, and I am, for lack of a better word, inquiring about Oil Paints. Messy, slow drying, Oil paints.
That is all I am competent in as of now. 6/20.
Just Keep Swimming