Author: Adelle

Competencies Part II

The Continuing Saga of my Competency in the Online Realm.

With all the information being downloaded into my brain, it is probably for the best for me to add another post about what I am required to remember, but will probably forget without some documentation. 

Assessment – Check. As I am learning to build many lesson plans over many curricular approaches and cross-curricular approaches, I have understood that formative assessment is quizzes or short paragraphs discussing what one has learned. Summative assessment is a more final assessment, such as portfolios or end of chapter test. 

Privacy – Check. Going back to Jesse Millers zoom call, I learned about cyberbullying and how to hold those accountable in the online world.  As well as FIPPA (Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act), designed to upload the right to information that is controlled  by institutions.

Inclusion – Check. Technology can be a double edged sword – we are all aware of this. However, after learning about the accessibility it can give those individuals who have disabilities or live in very remote areas it opens a virtual door that was once a mere window. With Virtual Robots and blended learning as well as many other varieties of online school, the gap to reach those who have been previously left out has become smaller and smaller. Very Cool.

And thats all for today folks. 




Reflections, Reflections, 

Week 4

This week, I googled myself… I found some not so flattering  videos of me trying to sing Les Mis at 2am. Needless to say, they are no longer available at this time, and will be never again. Other than that enlightening adventure down memory lane, my online presence is pretty tame. My personal Facebook, is not my real name and my Instagram is set to private with my profile picture as a cloudy sky. I personally like to keep myself off online as much as possible because I just don’t know who is out there poking around. I like to keep to myself in the real world so it would make sense that I would be the same in the online realm.

Other then crossing my t’s and dotting my i’s,  I have found a rhythm in this course and it seems to be levelling out.  Now, as I say that, I am sure there is going to be something pop up that I have completely missed or forgot about. With about a third of the course underway and with the second week of October fast approaching, this course has opened up a lot of domains and has shown me how much of the internet is available, and where I need to go, and what path to follow for a safe trip.  I just hope I do not get lost along the way. 

Until next time, 

Stay Classy  ♥



Building Texture – Research

This Week on:  Painting with Oils 

I will dive into a little bit of research with how to create texture. Although this video is aimed at abstract paintings verses the realism route, I am taking with my photo to painting approach. The video still helps me understand how to build up the texture by allowing the paint to have a mind of its own. By not forcing the paint to flatten on the canvas, it creates height and levels. This method can trick the eye into thinking it has a 3D effect when it is a 2D medium. Having the paint thicker and thinner in some parts can help the painting come to life. 


Tune in next week, to see the how I made out with creating texture. 


Incompetent or Competent? That is the Question.


In regards to the educational & technology competent check list, I am trying to understand what I am able to check off my list. I know, to start there is a few check marks I believe are in order. 

Video Editing – Check. I created an About me video for another class. 

Social Media – Check. I am a millennial, and I have an understanding of the pros and cons of these types of platform. Through trial and error and growing up with the speedy advancement of technology and the embarrassment of Facebook in the early 2000s. As well, the lecture we had with Jesse Miller increased my knowledge of the privacy and security around social media. How we protect ourselves and how to become more digitally  literate.

Personal Learning Networks (PLN) – Check. The members of my learning pod and myself, have been following each others processes and commenting on the progress and statuses of their free inquiry projects. As well as providing understanding when commenting on their weekly reflections. 

Distributed Learning – Check. Thanks to the World Wide Pandemic, we have all been forced to go to an online learning setting. This includes the many hours I have spent on Zoom calls,  which I have found out is called synchronous learning. As well as learning how to blog, and how to use Trello. 

Collaboration – Check. With the use of Trello in this class, and as well as using Google docs for a cross curricular approach to lesson plans and the use of Google Classroom in our field experience classes on Wednesdays. I can also give a big check to this.

Learning Design – Check. Working on my Free Inquiry Project, I have started learning about a new skill, and I am, for lack of a better word, inquiring about Oil Paints. Messy, slow drying, Oil paints. 

That is all I am competent in as of now.  6/20. 

Just Keep Swimming 

Applying Colour

Week 3

This week in my painting process update,  for my free inquiry project, I have started the colour.  The photo I have chosen to replicate with paint is a very greek looking brick/marble wall. I have realized this will be a lot of white. A LOT OF WHITE. As I started to paint over the brown base, I make purposeful brush strokes to highlight the indents and the depth and shadows in the image. I added some blues and yellows to create texture of shadows and the warmth in the highlights. I also applied thick stokes of clean white paint to create the traditional cobblestone like walkways of the Greek islands.

After a while, I started to get snow blindness with all of the white paint, not unlike how my eyes feel when I am using screens for 7 hours a day. It might be time to look away and give my baby blues a chance to rest. However, I am really enjoying this process, and it has become a great creative outlet to put my stress into. A way to decompress if you will. I am quite proud of myself for finding paint. I usually shy away from colour – I am a lover of white, grey and black.  I guess you could say I  have found a middle ground with a monochromatic paint scheme.

Tune in next week.

Swish & Flick ♥

Reflection 3

Week 3.

This week, started off pretty good. I felt that I was on top of all of my platforms and all of the assignments for Tech Ed and everything else. By the end of the week, I realized that I was completely wrong. There seems to be projects and assignments hidden in all of these drop down menus and different posts and pages. Then to top it all off, WordPress’ servers were down. However, after a many late night, and a lot of support from my teacher and classmates, the server was up and running and I was to the races.

Its getting easier, and less anxiety inducing .

To Be Continued…

Week 2 Reflection

This week, I am feeling like I am on my way to understanding more of what is asked of me in this course. Meeting up with the learning pods this week helped me utilize the help of my classmates and provided a place of camaraderie with each of us.  I have activated all, or if not, most of the communicative platforms like Trello and Mattermost.  I have also started my free inquiry project and have started posting about my progress on that. I am starting to feel less alone in my anxiety, and with the help of my cohorts, learning pods and teachers we all will make it through to the other side.


Stay Tuned.

Week 1 – Reflection

Week 1 of Ed tech.

I am feeling very overwhelmed with all of the information we have obtained. I feel like I am learning a new language. I am excited to when I have gained the knowledge of this new medium. I will be relying on my teachers and classmates to help me cross the finish line.


Cheers 🙂